Sunday, November 3, 2013

And then I lied...

Yep, I told you I was going to be good about posting after my last “catch up” blog, but I wasn"t. And for that, well, I’m just going to have to say: life got ca-razy! So, here I am, on a Sunday night, with a glass of wine and an urge to write. So, here they are, people, my last six short-form.
Travel “May”-nia
Last year I wrote a list of all the places I wanted to visit in 2013. It started strong in January with an impromptu trip to Venice, which was followed by some quality time in London and the U.S. in February and March. April brought me to London again…what can I say, it’s like going home (they speak “English” there). So far, not too shabby. But…turns out, I was just gearing myself up for May (a.k.a. – travel “May”-nia/Katie has no more money).
My May started when I met my friends Art and J.T. in Brussels for a long weekend. Here’s what I know about Brussels: it has amazing beer, fantastic mussels, a peeing baby statue and pretty awesome people! We even saw a person get mugged at the train station! OK, that wasn’t so awesome, but…

And the chocolate. Oh. My. God. The chocolate. It was just the right thing to help me manage a 12-hour flight back to Munich (yes, it’s like a 4-hour car ride) after my flights were cancelled and re-routed twice. But, you know what, I don’t hold that against you, Brussels.
Next stop…Paris. Gay ol’ Paris. More like gray ol’ Paris. But Jennifer and I made the most of it. Plus, I saw the Mona Lisa twice. I’m pretty sure the first is the original.

My May concluded in Greece with my mom, Patty and Linnea. The weather was great, the beaches were empty, the food was…hmmmm… aside from the heavenly cheese pie we had our first day in Naxos, I’ve had better in Greektown. But, here are the highlights:

We saw a donkey. Yes, we scared the crap out of its owner when we turned the corner in our fiesty Fiat, squealed to a halt, and screamed (in unison) “DONKEY!!!!” This was followed by a spastic rolling down of the windows and a rapid clicking of cameras and iPhones. This, I’m proud to say, is my most American moment in all of Europe.

I did see the most amazing sunset in my entire life. I swear is a real photo. 

Linnea and I were also invited to dance at a Greek party and got into a political debate with a local that ended with “well, have a nice life.” Sadly, these photos are not available. J
I will say, though, it was great hanging out with these three lovely ladies.

Which leads me to June…and three more ladies and a gentleman.
So, if you thought May was insane, it doesn’t stop there. In June, my Aunt Peggy, Aunt Joanie and cousin Libby came to Munich after spending a week in Ireland. Here’s the thing about getting four Keilty women together in a biergarten on a Friday night…you just don’t know what is going to happen. And this is what did…
We ended up in Prague.
OK, so there’s not really a crazy story behind how we go there. We just took a bus, but, nonetheless, it was a spur of the moment idea, that ended up in one of the best trips of the year. No plans, no agenda, no idea where the hell we were half the time. It was great.

So, you’re all saying, what the hell Katie, do you ever work? Yes, I do. I swear I work a lot.
But, I did take 10 days in June/July to travel to Croatia with my friend, Zach. Let me just say this: Croatia may be the most beautiful place I’ve ever been. There are so little words that actually do it justice. Really, I’m (for once) speechless.

OK, now that we’re over the beauty, we had a great times, met some awesome Australian and Croatian friends, and didn’t even see one single monster goose. We did, however, discover that Zach is a water beast. It’s a little scary how much that man likes the water. Like he’s half amphibian or something.

Seriously, will she ever stop writing?
Yes, I will. Mostly because my fingers are tired and my wine glass is empty. But, I promise to write next about September in Italy with my parents and October in Ireland with Mandy and Craig. I promise. I really, really do. (please note, I am not putting a date and/or time limit on this promise).

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